Framework to support positive change for those at risk of offending in Wales 2018-2023
The "Framework to support positive change for those at risk of offending in Wales 2018-2023" sets out how organisations involved will work closely together to provide support to those who require it. It aims to ensure positive outcomes are achieved not only for those that have offended previously, but also those at risk of offending, as well as their families and our communities.
The document builds on the success of the Wales Reducing Reoffending Strategy 2014-2016 and was developed jointly by Welsh Government and Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service in Wales, on behalf of the All Wales Criminal Justice Board.
Underpinned by the principles of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act (2015) and informed by the Adverse Childhood Experiences agenda, the Framework aligns key partner’s priorities to encourage greater and continued collaboration across Wales. It also intends to reduce the demand on services provided for those at risk of reoffending at the point of crisis, by moving the focus to early intervention.
The Framework outlines six priority groups for partners to particularly focus their collaborative efforts in addition to the established priorities of the ‘high risk of harm’ and ‘high risk of reoffending’ cohorts:
- Women in the Criminal Justice System
- Ex-Armed Service Personnel
- Offenders’ Families
- Young People and Care Leavers
- Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups
- Domestic Abuse Perpetrators
These priorities will be supported by indicators of effectiveness that will help us understand how we are progressing over time and support us to develop multi-agency data-sharing methods to measure our collective performance against agreed objectives.
The IOM Cymru Board have embraced these priority groups, assigning Senior Responsible Owners to lead on the development of six IOM Cymru workstreams over the five year duration of the Framework.
The Framework was formally launched on 19 April in Cardiff by Alun Davies, the Cabinet Secretary for Local Government and supported by Dr Phillip Lee, Justice Minister.