

Reducing crime and reoffending in order to safeguard the communities of Wales


Working in partnership to reduce the number of victims by preventing crime and reoffending

IOM supports partners in taking a coordinated approach to the management of offenders. While traditionally focused on tackling persistent offenders who commit a lot of crime, it is now being extended in Wales to other priority groups jointly identified by partner agencies. It recognises that the complex needs of these individuals are most likely to be met by agencies working together and making the best use of local resources. More information about this work can be found here.

The IOM Cymru approach aligns with the Home Office IOM Key Principles (2015) and is underpinned by eight principles:

  1. Localised: working locally and at a regional level supported by national agencies where appropriate to reintegrate offenders back into their local communities
  2. Integrated: working together to reduce reoffending using joint strategic planning, service design and delivery, including co-commissioning where possible, to increase joint accountability
  3. Targeted: to where we can make the most impact on offending and reoffending to make the best use of tax payers money
  4. Individualised: recognising that all offenders are different and we should support those who are ready to change and manage those who are not
  5. Evidence based: sharing and using data on crime, risk and need together with emerging research on why people desist from crime, to develop appropriate responses locally
  6. Holistic: working with not just those who offend but their families and the communities in which they live, who will be crucial in supporting them to stop offending
  7. Restorative: encouraging offenders to recognise the impact of their offending and makes amends both to the victim and the broader community
  8. Outcome focussed: working to ensure investment is made in interventions that are proven to have a positive impact 
These common principles, together with strong IOM Cymru governance arrangements, allow the partnership to support the consistent delivery of IOM throughout Wales, whilst still allowing for variances in local IOM models according to local priorities and circumstances. The IOM Cymru partnership supports operational delivery by informing the development and sharing of policies, guidance, learning and good practice. It constantly looks to identify, develop and implement new ways of extending the IOM approach in order to support a coherent and integrated approach to offender management across criminal and social justice agencies in Wales.